Rotten tomatoes: 26% IMDb: 6.7/10
Cast: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Cara Delevingne, Jai Courtney, Ben Affleck, Joel Kinnaman, Karen Fukuhara, Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje, Viola Davis
Budget: 175 million USD
Box office earnings: 640.1 million USD
Director: David Ayer
Release date: 3rd August, 2016
Will Smith
Age: 47
Twitter: @willsmith
Instagram: @willsmith
Other appearances: Men in black, Focus etc.
Margot Robbie
Age: 26
Twitter: @margotrobbie
Instagram: @margotrobbie
Other appearances: Focus, The wolf of wall street etc.
Jared Leto
Age: 44
Twitter: @jaredleto
Instagram: @jaredleto
Other appearances: Dallas buyers club, Fight club etc.
Figuring they're all expendable, a U.S. intelligence officer decides
to assemble a team of dangerous, incarcerated supervillains for a top-secret mission. Now armed with government weapons, Deadshot (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc and other despicable inmates must learn to work together. Dubbed Task Force X, the criminals unite to battle a mysterious and powerful entity, while the diabolical Joker (Jared Leto) launches an evil agenda of his own.

Suicide Squad is a lively comic book movie - albeit one that is undermined by plot holes and uneven execution of action, character, and comedy. Full review
It’s the latest comic book wheeze: an all-villain fighting team. But too many crooks spoil the plot. Full review
As I hope I have made apparent, the storytelling that brings all these characters together so quickly is lazy to the point of professional negligence. Full review
The result would love to be badass, but it winds up feeling sour, dark, and thin, like a cup of cold coffee. Full review
From now on, I care less about the ratings or whatever the
critics say about a movie because they were dead wrong for suicide squad (Lol…I
just realized this is also a review site, you can go ahead and neglect other
ones, not mine please 😁😁) well this is a review site. I
actually watched this movie a bit late because, you know school and stuff, but
when I did, it was worth it. Suicide squad comprises of the world’s worst
criminals (according to DC) assembled by Amanda Waller intended to match the
strength of other extra-terrestrial beings like Superman.
If you enjoyed Marvel’s Deadpool which was released earlier
this year, then you would also appreciate Suicide squad. It’s the same
character concept really, Deadpool is a super powered guy (not hero), who fights
for his benefits only, he’s not one to save people he doesn’t know. The Suicide
Squad also fought together as a group under the control of Amanda Waller
because she had a bomb implanted in their heads which she would detonate if
they didn’t cooperate. I was afraid that this movie wasn’t going to be nice
because Will Smith, as much as I like him, acts shit in movies with no comedic
relief *coughs* “After Earth” 😩😩. But to my surprise he had some
funny lines in the movie. This is my personal best, “Oh, so you deaf”, “You one of
them deaf hoes”
But as good as movies are, they can’t be perfect, so here
are the flaws 😁😁.
-Remember when I said that the squad was assembled to fight
off extra-terrestrial beings like superman, I would really love to see how they
would do that. The team is 80% made up of normal human beings meanwhile
superman is a god. Is he going to be defeated from a whack on the head by
Harley quinn’s bat or by Captain Boomerang’s boomerang (freaking stupid and
useless ability by the way) or Deadshot’s bullets (except maybe they are kryptonite
ones)? Even if they are, a Kryptonian is still faster than a speeding bullet.
-When Enchantress was destroying the earth where was the
dark knight of Gotham city, was he afraid because he wasn’t going to fighting
his normal non super-powered Joker or Bane. Forget about batman, where was the
rest of the Justice league; Wonder woman, The Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman.
-Joker was just a complete psychopath in the movie, that isn’t
the joker we all know and love. I know Joker is normally insane but it like his
mental illness was on cocaine in this movie (it was actually kind of scary)😕😕😕
Can you honestly tell me these are not scary?
TobyTale rating: 7/10
Related movies: Batman V Superman, Captain America: Civil war
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