Ok I know TobyTale hasn't exactly been the mostly promptly or even regularly updated site but I thank each and everyone of you reading this for remaining with us through those dark times 😔😔.
And I promise to do better this new year. With a new and improved.
The motion which TobyTale followed before was the reviewing of popular movies and tv shows and even music videos sometimes.....but due to my hectic school calendar I was unable to multitask as school is the priority.
Let's just leave the reviewing of movies to the likes of Rotten tomatoes and IMDb and that of music videos to the MTV VMA......I guess 😳😳
But in the new TobyTale, we would be delivering all the best skits from around the world. This includes; Comedy videos, WTF moments, again music videos and many more. Trust me you'd fall in love with it 🤤🤤.